import netman import socket from machine import Pin led = Pin("LED", Pin.OUT) country = 'IT' ssid = 'YourHomeSSID' password = 'YourSSIDPassword' wifi_connection = netman.connectWiFi(ssid,password,country) html = """ Pico W

Pico W

Current status: %s

Turn ON

Turn OFF


""" # Open socket addr = socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1] s = socket.socket() s.bind(addr) s.listen(1) print('listening on', addr) # Initialize LED status led.value(0) stateis = "LED is OFF" # Listen for connections while True: try: cl, addr = s.accept() print('client connected from', addr) request = cl.recv(1024) print(request) request = str(request)[0:50] # The [0:50] avoids getting the url directory from referer led_status = request.find('GET / HTTP') led_on = request.find('/light/on') led_off = request.find('/light/off') print( 'led on = ' + str(led_on)) print( 'led off = ' + str(led_off)) if led_status >0: print("LED status request") # No LED action if led_on >0: print("led on") led.value(1) stateis = "LED is ON" if led_off >0: print("led off") led.value(0) stateis = "LED is OFF" response = html % stateis cl.send('HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n') cl.send(response) cl.close() except OSError as e: cl.close() print('connection closed')