raspberry pi os lite

Arduino cli external libraries featured image

Installing external libraries with arduino-cli on Raspberry PI (via terminal) 4.7 (3)

As seen in my previous post (Connecting Raspberry PI Zero W to Arduino only via terminal), we can easily control an Arduino board from Raspberry PI OS Lite with the help of arduino-cli. However, if you want to add more functionalities to your Arduino board you will need to import external libraries. In this post, […]

Installing external libraries with arduino-cli on Raspberry PI (via terminal) 4.7 (3) Read More »

Octoprint raspberry pi featured image

Control a 3D printer with Raspberry, Docker, OctoPi and Motioneye 4 (4)

One of most interesting uses of Raspberry PI is controlling a 3D printer (mine one is an Anet A6) without needing to be connected with your PC. This can help for long prints and improve controls available on printer status. It is also really useful in tuning operations, because it allows to easily control manually

Control a 3D printer with Raspberry, Docker, OctoPi and Motioneye 4 (4) Read More »