raspberry pi

Raspberry pi opencv oilpainting featured image

Oil Paint image transformation with Raspberry PI and OpenCV 0 (0)

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to setup and use oilpainting effect from Raspberry PI with OpenCV and Python. Beside being a fantastic tool for Artificial Intelligence computing, OpenCV also makes available a number of options to create cool effects applied to pictures. One of these is Oilpainting, which creates an oil

Oil Paint image transformation with Raspberry PI and OpenCV 0 (0) Read More »

Raspberry PI certbot let's encrypt featured image

Use Let’s Encrypt and Certbot to secure Raspberry PI-hosted websites automatically 5 (4)

Securing an existing website with Let’s Encrypt and Certbot is one of most common internet actions, as prodives free certification for your https pages and a fully automated renewal process working with Raspberry PI In this post, I will show you how to install and configure Certbot on Raspberry PI with Apache to get your

Use Let’s Encrypt and Certbot to secure Raspberry PI-hosted websites automatically 5 (4) Read More »

Raspberry pi apache self signed certificate

Self Signed Certificate (https) in Raspberry PI with Apache 4.7 (39)

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (https) is a communication protocol adding a security layer to classic http. It uses TLS and certificates communication between two computers, reducing man-in-the-middle attack risks. Beside common configuration, you can set a self signed configuration on Raspberry Pi running Apache web services Https (which uses port 443 instead of default http

Self Signed Certificate (https) in Raspberry PI with Apache 4.7 (39) Read More »

Raspberry pi ideaspacevr virtual reality featured image

Self hosted Virtual Reality space with IdeaSpaceVR and Raspberry PI 5 (1)

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to install and configure IdeaSpaceVR on Raspberry PI and experience a fully customizable Virtual Reality environment hosted in your own small and cheap computer board. Virtual Reality accessories, starting from Google cardboard up to Oculus, had strong growth in the last years. Users can get VR

Self hosted Virtual Reality space with IdeaSpaceVR and Raspberry PI 5 (1) Read More »