RPI Computers

Rancheros featured image

Containers over Raspberry PI with Docker, RancherOS and Portainer 5 (3)

Today’s computer world is experiencing a new concept of thinking apps and how to deploy them. Old application practices were focused on stacks created over a complete machine (phisical or virtual). This approach has demonstrated to lead some concerns regarding resources use, infra-application conflicts and poor development flexibility management.Containers have born to help developers and […]

Containers over Raspberry PI with Docker, RancherOS and Portainer 5 (3) Read More »

Octoprint raspberry pi featured image

Control a 3D printer with Raspberry, Docker, OctoPi and Motioneye 4 (4)

One of most interesting uses of Raspberry PI is controlling a 3D printer (mine one is an Anet A6) without needing to be connected with your PC. This can help for long prints and improve controls available on printer status. It is also really useful in tuning operations, because it allows to easily control manually

Control a 3D printer with Raspberry, Docker, OctoPi and Motioneye 4 (4) Read More »

Raspberry PI Raspbian featured new

Install Raspbian Buster Lite in your Raspberry Pi 5 (2)

ADVICE: From June 2020, Raspberry PI Foundation decided to fork its own Raspberry PI OS from Raspbian. This means that, from this date, the official “Raspberry PI OS Lite” can be installed with following procedure: https://peppe8o.com/install-raspberry-pi-os-lite-in-your-raspberry-pi/. All of my projects should work without issues with that new OS directly supported by Raspberry PI Foundation Raspbian

Install Raspbian Buster Lite in your Raspberry Pi 5 (2) Read More »