

Using Photoresistor From Raspberry PI To Detect Light 4 (1)

A photoresistor (also known as photocell) is a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR). As the name suggests, these components act just like a resistor, changing their resistance in response to how much light is falling on it. Usually, photoresistors have a very high resistance in near darkness and very low resistance in bright light. This component

Using Photoresistor From Raspberry PI To Detect Light 4 (1) Read More »

Raspberry Pi remote control picture

Setup Raspberry PI Infrared Remote from terminal 5 (13)

Infrared sensors are really common to devices which need to be controlled from a remote within reduced distances. Typical applications are in remoting TV, media center, robots, air conditioning systems, etc. With the growth of mass production, their prices have plummeted and can be found on e-commerce websites. Linux systems have a spread package called

Setup Raspberry PI Infrared Remote from terminal 5 (13) Read More »

Raspberry PI HC-SR04 picture

How To Control a Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Raspberry PI 4.5 (4)

Ultrasonic Sensors are great for all kind of projects that need distance measurements, avoiding obstacles as example. The HC-SR04 is inexpensive and easy to use and can be easily connected with a Raspberry PI Ultrasonic sensor module HC-SR04 provides 2cm-400cm non-contact measurement function, the ranging accuracy can reach to 3mm. The basic principle of work:

How To Control a Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Raspberry PI 4.5 (4) Read More »

RPI 4 digit 7 segment featured image

How to control a 4 digit 7 Segment Display from Raspberry PI with Python 3.3 (9)

4 Digit 7 Segment Display is a simple electronic display, similar to Single 7 segment display, but composed of 4 digits than can show at the same time 4 chars. It also has dot leds, but in different confiurations (single for each digit, central colon, etc). 4 digit 7 segment display is widely known and

How to control a 4 digit 7 Segment Display from Raspberry PI with Python 3.3 (9) Read More »
