
MQ-2 with Raspberry PI Pico: Gas Sensor Wiring and MicroPython Code 4.3 (6)

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to connect the gas sensor MQ-2 with Raspberry PI Pico, coding it with MicroPython. Detecting air gas comes useful in applications like air quality monitoring, Gas leak alarm and maintaining environmental standards in hospitals. The MQ-2 with Raspberry PI Pico bring this capability to your DIY […]

MQ-2 with Raspberry PI Pico: Gas Sensor Wiring and MicroPython Code 4.3 (6) Read More »

Wiznet Ethernet HAT Raspberry pi pico smart farming featured image

Smart Farm with Raspberry PI, RPI Pico and WIZnet Ethernet Hat 5 (4)

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a smart farm architecture by using a Raspberry PI computer board as a central processing and data presentation, while a Raspberry PI Pico microcontroller with WIZnet Ethernet HAT will collect data from your farm. IoT devices have wide industry application fields. But they can

Smart Farm with Raspberry PI, RPI Pico and WIZnet Ethernet Hat 5 (4) Read More »

Arduino Uno AdxL333 featured image

Accelerometer with Arduino Uno: ADXL335 (GY-61) wiring and code 5 (5)

In this tutorial, we’ll interface the GY-61 accelerometer with Arduino Uno including code, connection diagram, and component list. To control things through gesture movement, GY-61 is a great and cheap way module enabling to manage all three directions moments The ADXL335 (GY-61) Accelerometer An accelerometer is a device that measures the force of acceleration due

Accelerometer with Arduino Uno: ADXL335 (GY-61) wiring and code 5 (5) Read More »