

Force Sensitive Resistor and Arduino: FSR402 Wiring and Code 5 (1)

In this tutorial, we will use Force Sensitive Resistor with Arduino Uno to measure pressure and weight. Based on the pressure on the Force Sensitive Resistor, on the serial monitor, we’ll display the pressure values organized for ranges. Force Sensitive Resistor Introduction The FSR works on the basis of pressure. When some pressure applies to

Force Sensitive Resistor and Arduino: FSR402 Wiring and Code 5 (1) Read More »


NPK Soil Sensor with Arduino: Wiring Diagram and Code Explained 5 (2)

In this tutorial, we will use Arduino, an NPK soil sensor to get the soil fertility. The percentage of nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium is measured using the probe sensor. Introduction NPK Soil Sensor and Arduino make it simple to measure the nutrient content of the soil. To calculate how much extra nutrient content needs to be

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Communication between two Arduinos by Serial UART 5 (3)

In this tutorial, we will use two Arduino Uno to communicate with each other via Arduino UART (universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter) communication. This communication is a type of serial communication, also known as USART. This tutorial helps hardware and software engineers create a wired connection between the devices by using fewer wires. UART Introduction UART is a

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