
Raspberry PI Redmine featured image

Project Management Web Platform with Redmine on Raspberry PI and Docker 5 (5)

Project managing involves strong communication requirements. Keeping all teams aligned on tasks progress and issues solutions requires strong tools to share info between involved owners and a strict timeline sharing. In this guide, I’ll show you how to install Redmine in your Raspberry PI (a very cheap single-board computer) with Docker. For this guide, I […]

Project Management Web Platform with Redmine on Raspberry PI and Docker 5 (5) Read More »

Raspberry PI Docker custom mariadb logo_2

Create a Custom MariaDB Container with Raspberry PI and Docker (32-bit) 3.5 (4)

Raspberry PI has an ARM architecture. While newer boards have 64-bit ARM CPU, some users may need support for old official Raspberry PI OS versions still running at 32-bit and many Docker official images are unable to run directly in your PI. One of the most common needs for my projects regards using containerized MariaDB

Create a Custom MariaDB Container with Raspberry PI and Docker (32-bit) 3.5 (4) Read More »

Guacamole RPI remote desktop gateway featured image

Creating a Remote Desktop Web Gateway on Raspberry Pi with Apache Guacamole 4.7 (3)

Smart Working needs are stressing the needs to have an external access to your Personal Computer from a remote station. This remote station can be whatever device, with whatever OS (and different versions). The very first need for people is remoting their Desktop to have access their docs and apps. A flexible solution comes with

Creating a Remote Desktop Web Gateway on Raspberry Pi with Apache Guacamole 4.7 (3) Read More »

Rancheros featured image

Containers over Raspberry PI with Docker, RancherOS and Portainer 5 (3)

Today’s computer world is experiencing a new concept of thinking apps and how to deploy them. Old application practices were focused on stacks created over a complete machine (phisical or virtual). This approach has demonstrated to lead some concerns regarding resources use, infra-application conflicts and poor development flexibility management.Containers have born to help developers and

Containers over Raspberry PI with Docker, RancherOS and Portainer 5 (3) Read More »

Octoprint raspberry pi featured image

Control a 3D printer with Raspberry, Docker, OctoPi and Motioneye 4 (4)

One of most interesting uses of Raspberry PI is controlling a 3D printer (mine one is an Anet A6) without needing to be connected with your PC. This can help for long prints and improve controls available on printer status. It is also really useful in tuning operations, because it allows to easily control manually

Control a 3D printer with Raspberry, Docker, OctoPi and Motioneye 4 (4) Read More »

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